Saoirse is siren. Her natural form is so breathtaking, everyone is drawn to her. When she sings, she can convince anyone to do anything. The water calls to her often, encouraging her to kill. She becomes an assassin at night to silence this voice in her head and to get more money for her family who needs the money to cover her younger sister’s expenses. Her parents are not happy about her decision to be an assassin.

In the day, Saoirse hides her true identity for her safety. Sirens are not supposed to exist in this town because the King hates sirens, humans, and witches- really anyone who isn’t Fae. When Saoirse becomes the top of her barracks class, she hopes to be offered an Enforcer position for the money and protection, but is instead offered to be a personal guard to a Royal. What could possibly happen?


This book is told in first person from Saoirse’s perspective. It’s a fantasy and a mystery. There are some romance elements, but it isn’t the main focus of the book.

Saoirse has a constant internal battle about her desire to kill. Killing satiates the voice in head, but killing disappoints her family. A part of her wants to stop, but another part of her savors the kill. More than anything, Saoirse wants to be understood because sometimes she feels like a monster.

Three pages in and I was invested. The story kept me engaged and as time goes on more layers get added to the mystery. We see Saoirse caught in a bind, while trying to uncover truths. We see her relationship develop with her family, her hatred for the Royals, and her fighting herself, her feelings, and her intrusive thoughts.

Saoirse is stubborn, untrusting and protective (maybe to a fault). She’s used to being secretive to hide her and her adopted sister’s identity. She is also passionate, underestimated, skilled, and loyal. Her character development and self discovery at the end of the book was great. She can also literally taste other people’s emotions (and intentions in a sense) and that’s cool. She is one of my favorite protagonists.

The romance in the book is kind of one sided at the beginning, though there’s attraction or interest on both sides. I don’t know why he was so trusting of her, but I found myself rooting for them. The feelings between both of them grow as time goes on, but it’s put on the back burner.

There are two scenes that caught me by surprise, but not in a bad way. I kind of thought everything happening was a dream and when it wasn’t, I wanted to know how it’d play out. The way the big reveal unraveled hurt because it happened during a sweet moment and the reaction wasn’t surprising.

The end of this book had me in my feelings. It was fitting, but still a little heartbreaking. It was also shocking for the world and the story itself. I’m looking forward to reading what happens next.


Overall, I give this 5 out 5 stars. There’s nothing I would change about it. It was fun and sad to read. This has become another favorite series of mine and one of my favorites so far of the year. I highly recommend reading it, especially if you like morally grey characters, fantastical world building, mermaids, mysteries, and a tyrant King.

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